Hundreds of neighbours from Wishaw have been left stunned after learning their community has won £7.9 Million with People's Postcode Lottery.
The cash windfall is the biggest single prize fund to be awarded in Scotland in our history. Winners in the area have already been told they have each scooped a minimum of £1,000, but the full winning amounts won't be revealed until Saturday 26th February.
The prize will be divided between players in the winning postcode sector of ML2 0. However, when the full winning postcode is revealed on Saturday, players on one street will receive the biggest prizes and can each expect to net a six-figure sum.
Winners in the area have been invited to an exclusive event where they'll receive their golden envelopes and learn how much they've each won.
People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Judie McCourt said, "I am so excited for our Wishaw winners and can't wait to bring them this fantastic news. I'm sure they'll all be excited for Saturday, and I think this surprise will make their weekend!"
Today's prize is part of a draw promoted on behalf of Postcode Earth Trust. Through regular grant funding, this trust supports charities and good causes like National Trust for Scotland, Friends of the Earth and The Conservation Volunteers who promote the awareness and understanding of the natural, creative and built environment.
Local good causes have also benefited from player support. North Lanarkshire's Buzzing received a grant of £17,337 to transform multiple areas of grassland with wildflower planting.
Our amazing players have raised more than £850 Million for over 9,000 good causes across Britain and around the world. 33% of the ticket price funds life-changing projects which make a difference to people and the planet. Find out more about the range of charities and good causes our players support.
Want to know more about People's Postcode Lottery? Take a look at our How It Works page and check out all the fabulous Prizes our players can win every single month. Why not sign up to play today?
Published: 21/02/2022