Local Causes
Volunteering For Children's Charities In Manchester

While many might associate child poverty with developing countries, it's unfortunately something that still exists in the UK. It's particularly a problem in larger cities such as Manchester, where it was reported in 2017 that 44% of kids are growing up in relative poverty.
Children's charities are wonderful resources that can make life better for many children across Greater Manchester. Whether they're growing up in a disadvantaged community, have been the victims of abuse, or face a disability that makes life challenging - with your help, these kids can get the support they need.
People's Postcode Lottery players provide vital funding to many UK-based charities, allowing them to continue with their amazing work. You could lend a helping-hand by volunteering in Manchester with one of a range of organisations that assist deprived, disabled or ill children.
Barnardo's is a well-known children's charity, renowned for its life-changing work. Since starting up in London more than 150 years ago, as a school for the less fortunate, it has gone on to help millions of children. Barnardo's pledges to never turn a child in need away by providing invaluable support services in cities and towns across the UK.
From children who are victims of domestic or sexual abuse to those who have been orphaned or taken away from their families, Barnardo's is dedicated to looking out for and protecting some of the nation's most vulnerable people. The charity tries to assist parents and carers where they can, and runs programmes that aim to give children with disabilities more opportunities.
As a large children's charity with a presence in Manchester, there are many things you can do to show your support for Barnardo's. Involving yourself in fundraising is just one way to do this, or you could decide to volunteer in one of its Manchester-based charity shops. Other volunteering opportunities include helping to run youth groups in your area, teaching English to young asylum seekers or simply befriending a family in need.
If you'd like to know more about getting involved in volunteering in your community, take a look at our Local Causes page and find opportunities near you.
Last updated: 20/04/2021