Postcode Millions
Nice Win In Netherton

Today 643 people in Netherton have each landed a share of £3 Million after their postcode sector, HD4 7, was announced as the winner of our monthly Postcode Millions prize. The winning postcode was released during a special Facebook Live video. Three neighbours will each receive £208,196 thanks to playing with the full winning postcode, HD4 7BR.
Retiree Klaus was one of our lucky winners receiving the top prize. He found out on a video call with People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Judie McCourt.
Rendered Speechless
Klaus was rendered speechless when Judie revealed how much he'd won on a big novelty cheque. He said, "I can't believe this! I've barely slept since I found out I'd won something, but I didn't think it'd be anything like this much.
"I signed up to play a few years ago thinking it'd be a good thing to do because I know it supports a lot of Charities, but I never ever thought I'd end up winning. It's a bonus!
"My son's been living in Australia for almost 10 years so I'll use some of the money to get out there and see him when we can travel again - take my daughter too and have a big family holiday next Christmas. I'll treat myself to a new car too. That's the first thing that's come to mind!"
Klaus was joined by his daughter, Tracy, who was on hand to give her dad a hug when he received the overwhelming news. Tracy said, "I'll help him spend it! What are daughters for?"
Our remaining 640 winners have each scooped different cheques depending on the number of tickets they played with. Players with a single ticket in the winning sector netted £3,368, and those with two tickets bagged £6,736. 14 winners who played with three tickets walked away with £10,104!
After the call Judie McCourt said, "It was such a pleasure to virtually present Klaus with his cheque. He looked gobsmacked in the best way, and I hope he and his family have a wonderful time celebrating.
"It's big news for the whole area too though with over 600 more winners landing a prize alongside Klaus. I hope it provides the whole area with a wonderful surprise and everyone treats themselves!"
Charities Win Too
It's not just players who win with People's Postcode Lottery. 32% of the ticket price goes to charities and good causes. Thanks to our players, over £600 Million has been raised for more than 8,500 deserving projects around the world.
This Postcode Millions prize is part of a draw promoted by Postcode Green Trust, which supports national charities such as The Conservation Volunteers and Keep Britain Tidy. These organisations promote the conservation and protection of native wildlife and habitats in Great Britain by encouraging enjoyment and promoting access to the outdoors.
Local charities have benefited from funding raised by players, too. Shabang Inclusive Learning was awarded £17,500 to create a multi-sensory garden for children with additional needs, and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival has received £8,518 to run a heritage project with young people.
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Published: 30/10/2020