Street Prize
Bowled Over In Andover

Welcome to the end of another week of #30KADAY Street Prize festivities! Each day in May's draws, right up until 4th June 2021, every player in a winning postcode pockets a £30,000 cheque for each ticket they play with.
Today, postcode SP10 2DN in Andover got lucky. Four of our winners received £30,000 each and a fifth, because they play with two tickets, picked up a super £60,000.
Dream Holiday
Our lucky double-ticket holder was Andrew, who found out how much he'd won during a video call with Street Prize Presenter Judie McCourt.
Andrew was joined by his partner, Kelly, for the reveal, who nervously hugged a cushion in anticipation. On seeing their £30,000 prize, the couple cheered and clapped in delight. Andrew exclaimed, "Brilliant! That's great money that is, brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Fantastic!" But the excitement didn't end there as moments later Judie pulled out another big £30,000 cheque. Andrew laughed and said, "Doubles! Yeah! That is brilliant, it'll make such a difference that. I'm glad everybody is getting something out of it, charity wise." Kelly added, "And the pubs are back open!"
Andrew works as an office manager in the civil service and is now planning his dream holiday - a return to New Zealand. He said, "We've been to New Zealand before, we did three weeks in a tourer van and in those three weeks we only got round the North Islands, so we've not seen the South Islands. It's a brilliant wild country and if money wasn't an object that's where I'd go."
Kelly has been working in a nursing home throughout the pandemic and is hoping to take up a new hobby with some of the windfall. She said, "I've been wanting to do paddle boarding! So, I want to get the wetsuit and the paddleboard and just drift down a river."
The couple also plan to celebrate with a trip to their local pub, as well as take some time off work for a camping holiday. Andrew said, "We're going camping to the New Forest in June, and we want to start walking down the river to the pub." Kelly laughed and joked, "With a new paddleboard I would get there a lot quicker!"
After the call Judie McCourt said, "What an amazing surprise for our winning players from Andover. It was so amazing to hear how much the winnings will do for Andrew and his partner Kelly and I hope they enjoy their dream holiday and the trip to the pub to celebrate. Congratulations to all of our lucky players and I hope they enjoy spending their winnings."
Charities Win Too
Today's prize is part of a draw promoted by Postcode Planet Trust. Through regular grant funding, the trust supports charities and good causes like WWF-UK, Marine Conservation Society and The Wildlife Trusts, working to protect and promote our environment and wildlife.
With People's Postcode Lottery, 32% of the ticket price goes to amazing charities and good causes around the world. Our players have raised more than £700 Million so far!
Not signed up to play yet? Our players can win amazing Prizes every single day. If you'd like to know more then check out How It Works and sign up today.
Published: 21/05/2021