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Street Prize

Treasure Trove For Birchgrove

19 November 2022 - SA7 9QH - Birchgrove - £30,000

Five people in Birchgrove received a special delivery after their postcode, SA7 9QH, won today's £30,000 Street Prize. Four of the neighbours received cheques for £30,000, while a fifth scooped a sensational £60,000 as they were playing with two tickets.

Dreams Come True

Margaret is planning a dream holiday after she picked up a cheque for £30,000.

The retired care worker said, "Usually, nothing like this ever happens to me. It means the world, the absolute world.

"I can book a holiday to Jordan! I'd like to see Petra. I've always wanted to go and now I can.

"I love ancient history and I've been lucky enough to have been to the Great Wall of China, Egypt, Vietnam and Cambodia to see Angkor Wat. It's a bucket list tick for sure."

The grandmother-of-three said the money will also go towards spoiling her daughter and grandchildren. Margaret said, "I'll help out my family too. The two little grandkids are both into Spiderman and I can get the eldest a keyboard, because he wants to learn to play the piano."

Margaret added, "I might also get a new TV. My partner would be really glad if I got a big 60-inch TV that won't fit in the living room!"

Margaret was delighted for her neighbours and for the charities for taking part in People's Postcode Lottery. She said, "For my neighbours to win and for the charities to benefit, it truly warms my heart that we could do something especially in this day and age."

A Very Merry Christmas

Cayley said 'Christmas is sorted' moments after winning £30,000.

The mother-of-two, alongside her husband Geraint, said, "We've got two children that probably have bigger plans with the money than us, but we'll try for a holiday."

"A dream holiday destination for me would be the Maldives - it's always been on my bucket list."

The couple, who work for an insurance company, said they could help their kids out with the win.

Cayley said, "We've got a daughter at university doing a photography course and she's already been looking at some cameras that she needs. Our son is going on a skiing holiday with the school, so all the skiing clothes are sorted with that money."

Geraint added, "It's always nice to win with friends and family and it's even better when you're all in it together and you can enjoy a big win together."

Surprise Of A Lifetime

Emma couldn't believe it when she caught a glimpse of her £30,000 cheque. She said, "It's such a surprise. It's so much more than I ever expected, it's absolutely fantastic!

Emma said, "With Christmas coming, money is a bit tight, so it'll be a really nice Christmas."

Emma, who works as a train manager, said most of her winnings would go towards house renovations and her two children. Emma said, "We've got so much that we still want to do with the house such as the driveway.

"The kids have already been thinking about what they might want. My daughter wants a new guinea pig cage, which will definitely be on the list. My son is still deciding."

People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Matt Johnson handed our winners their thrilling cheques. He said, "It was my absolute pleasure to deliver such an amazing surprise to the winners in Birchgrove.

"I had a lot of fun hearing about how they might spend their winnings and I wish them all the best spending their cash prizes!"

Supporting Good Causes

Today's prize is part of a draw promoted by Postcode International Trust (opens in a new tab). This trust provides regular grant funding to organisations which work to create sustainable solutions that alleviate poverty and hunger and enable food security. Supported charities include Oxfam GB, ActionAid and British Red Cross.

At People's Postcode Lottery, 33% of the ticket price goes to Charities, and our wonderful players have raised more than £1 Billion for thousands of local good causes .

Do you have your subscription to People's Postcode Lottery? If you aren't playing yet, check out How It Works and the amazing Prizes that can be won. Why not sign up today and join the fun?

Published: 19/11/2022

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