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£1 Million Prize

Scunthorpe's Millionaire Street

17 June 2023 - DN16 2LQ - Scunthorpe - £1 Million

A family, who live through the wall from each other after an amazing house swap, have scooped a share of £1 Million. Ex-army nurse Elizabeth and husband Bevan picked up £55,555 each, and their joy was doubled when daughter Caroline and husband Darren - who live in the adjoining semi - also bagged £111,110 between them.

Both families and 13 neighbours won our weekly Millionaire Street prize after their Scunthorpe postcode, DN16 2LQ, was announced as the winner today.

Pleased As Punch

When Liz found out she'd won, she prayed that Caroline still held a ticket. The gran-of-three said, "When I got the phone call from the lottery, the first thing I did was look at the adjoining wall and I said, 'Please Caz, I hope you've paid your Postcode Lottery ticket this month.'

"It turns out Caz and my son-in-law Daz have both won and I'm so pleased. They do an awful lot for us especially as we're getting older - it's always been handy having them next door."

The two couples ended up living next door to each other after playing house merry-go-round recently. Grandparents Liz and Bevan had moved out of the family home into a tied house for work letting Caz and Daz move in. When Liz retired as a warden in an OAP complex, they wanted back into their old house, and Caz bought the semi next door which had coincidentally come up for sale.

Caz, who also works at a retirement housing complex, said, "It's crackers! It really is life-changing because, like most people at the minute, you live paycheque to paycheque."

The mum-of-three added, "It means more than anything that my parents have won, more than me winning - they've both got bad health and my dad constantly worries about money.

"To know that they're comfortable now is a big weight off. I'm so chuffed."

Liz is now set to splash out on some shiny new gnashers and has plans to make life easier with a new power shower. She said, "New teeth are in order. I've had these teeth since 2011 and you can nearly see through them.

"And we only have a bath which I struggle to get out of. I sometimes go next door and use theirs, but this money means I can now get my own shower."

Caz and Daz plan to spend some of their windfall repairing their broken-down car so they can give son Liam his motor back. Liam said, "Dad will definitely get his car back on the road now. It's been off the road for months and I'll be happy to have my car back."

Bevan, a retired administrator in the building trade, wanted to invest in a poignant tribute for his late grandparents. He said, "My two grandparents both died without a headstone, and I want to look at doing something to mark their graves, as they were very much loved."

Grin The Money

Marilyn, Caz and Daz's next-door neighbour, won £111,110 thanks to playing with two tickets. The mum-of-two is also in the market for new pearly whites. Marilyn said, "I've not had new teeth for 25 years and I think I deserve them. I've stuck with my current ones for so long because teeth are so expensive these days."

Just last week Marilyn's partner, Philip, celebrated his official retirement. Philip, who worked as a maintenance manager, said, "I'm flabbergasted, totally flabbergasted. We never win anything.

"Funnily enough, we are going to visit our financial advisor tomorrow to get my pension sorted. I wonder what they'll say when we tell them about this."

Barbados Break

Another winner, Jan, was bowled over by her £55,555 cheque - and had an unusual wish list. Retired housing association worker Jan - who celebrated with partner, ex-mechanic Barry - said, "It was either a bungalow or a bathmat. It's not quite enough for a bungalow, but I can do better than a bathmat."

She added, "Little things are needing done in the house. Maybe a new car. And I'd love to go back to Barbados."

Ace Of Spades

Delighted dad-of-three Geoff said that along with sharing his winnings with family, he's going shopping for a new shovel. He exclaimed, "I think £55,555 is my new favourite number! I'm at that time in my life where I want to be giving and helping my family and this will really help.

"I also might buy a new shovel for the campervan as we're going to Wales soon."

People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Jeff Brazier said, "We had a cracking day in sunny Scunny surprising an incredible 17 lucky winners. I'm sure the celebrations will carry on beyond this weekend after they shared our second of four £1 Million Millionaire Street prizes in June."

He added, "It's incredibly special to see neighbours winning together. But local charities in Scunthorpe also have something to celebrate, thanks to our players.

"People's Postcode Lottery players have raised more than £1.1 Billion for charities and thousands of local good causes. Neighbours win and charities win. That's what we're all about."

Supporting Good Causes

Today's prize is part of a draw promoted on behalf of Postcode Planet Trust (opens in a new tab). Supported by our players, this trust delivers grant funding to organisations that work to protect and promote our environment and wildlife. Benefiting charities include WWF-UK, Marine Conservation Society and The Wildlife Trusts.

With People's Postcode Lottery, 33% of the ticket price goes to Charities. Our amazing players have raised more than £1.1 Billion for thousands of good causes.

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Published: 17/06/2023

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