Street Prize
Surprise For Sunnyside

It's a fantastic Thursday for four Sunnyside residents as they've each collected a thrilling £30,000 cheque! The windfall arrived after their postcode, S66 3ZU, was announced as the winner of today's #30KADAY Street Prize.
Our winners found out how much they'd won during a video call with Street Prize Presenter Jeff Brazier.
Best Present Ever
Andy, an IT manager, was joined on the call by Sally, his partner of 12 years. Sally, a teacher, was at school with her excited colleagues, waiting to find out how much the couple had won.
Before the cheque was revealed, Sally exclaimed, "I've got a whole classroom of staff waiting to find out in a socially distanced circle! My palms are sweating!" The whole classroom erupted into cheers when they saw the amount. Sally shouted, "Fabulous!" Back at home, Andy exclaimed, "That's incredible! I'm speechless."
When asked what they'd spend their winnings on, Sally said, "I'd like a new kitchen. And you never know I might get an engagement ring..." Andy added, "You can come to the wedding, Jeff!"
Andy went on to say, "It's the big 50th birthday for me this year, so considering everything that's happened, this is the best birthday present ever." Sally added, "When I get back from school we'll have a bottle of champagne in the garden with the neighbours. Andy, get it in the fridge!"
Wow Wow Wow
Another of our £30,000 winners, Michael, was joined by his wife of 21 years, Claire. When they saw the amount on the cheque, Claire exclaimed, "Oh my God! That is fantastic! I've never won anything in my life! Wow, wow, wow! I just never thought I'd see that amount of money. We thought it would never happen. It happens to other people, not people like us." Michael added, "It will make life easy. We can have a jolly good time!"
Claire said, "We have a holiday coming up in September... hopefully! We need things doing around the house too. I'll have it spent by this evening. It doesn't seem real!"
When asked how they'd celebrate, Michael said, "We've known Andy and Sally (our neighbours) for years so it's lovely to win and celebrate with them. We'll definitely go around to Andy's garden tonight. I'm not sure what we'll do but we'll definitely have a drink!"
New York Bound
Amanda, who works in HR, and her partner Paul were thrilled when they found out how much they'd won. Amanda said, "That's amazing! That's a lot of money! Paul and I haven't been together that long, but around six months ago I told him he should get a ticket too. He's kicking himself now!" Paul, who's a school caretaker, joked, "She's going to buy me some new shoes, I hope."
The couple plan to treat themselves to a dream holiday in New York with their winnings. Amanda said, "We'll be sensible but then we'll have some fun with it. New York has been our dream place to visit this year as we've never been before. Obviously we can't go just now, but hopefully in the future. We've got the money to do it now so there are no excuses!
"We both wants to see different things though so that will be interesting! I'm a typical sights and sounds of New York person, but Paul is an aeroplane geek, so he'll want to go to those kind of museums."
Paul added, "Are we allowed a bottle of champagne on a school night? I'll put that on ice now!"
Chuffed To Bits
Our final winner was Jo. She was with her partner, mum and two teenage daughters when she received the call from Jeff and our Postcode Lottery team. There were screams and hugs all round when she found out she was £30,000 richer. She said, "I'm shaking. I just want to cry. The girls will have it spent already. Oh my God, I'm chuffed to bits. This means absolutely everything for my family."
Jo plans to treat her family with her prize. She said, "The girls will definitely want some new clothes and makeup. I can get driving lessons and maybe even a car for my daughter, too. I can take my mum away on a girls' trip! They've all gone very quiet, they're not normally this quiet!"
Jeff Brazier said, "Congratulations to our Sunnyside winners! They were a lovely bunch of neighbours and it's always nice when everyone knows each other. It sounds like there will be some socially-distanced street celebrations tonight!"
Thousands Of Deserving Projects
Today's prize is part of a draw promoted by Amnesty International UK. Players have raised over £8.1 Million for the charity, allowing it to work to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.
32% of your ticket price goes to charities and good causes. To date, players have raised over £500 Million for more than 7,500 deserving projects worldwide. Our players are changing lives every day, helping people and the planet. Thank you for all your support - we really couldn't do it without you.
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Published: 09/07/2020