Street Prize
Congratulations Carlisle

Today marks the start of another exciting #30KADAY Street Prize extravaganza in July's draws. From now until 7th August we're announcing amazing £30,000 Street Prizes every single day. That's 35 thrilling days that our Street Prize Presenters will be surprising lucky winners up and down the country!
A grandfather from Carlisle is today celebrating winning a £30,000 prize with People's Postcode Lottery. Andrew landed the windfall when his lucky postcode, CA2 7AX, was announced as a winner of today's #30KADAY Street Prize.
Double Celebration
Andrew is retired but helps out at his daughter's local dog-grooming business. He was joined by his wife Susan when he discovered how much he'd won during a video call with our Street Prize Presenter Danyl Johnson.
When he saw £30,000 written on his cheque, Andrew said, "What a fantastic surprise - it's unbelievable. I've never won anything anywhere near this amount of money. I must admit, when I see the adverts on television, I've always thought it must be actors and they can't be real people you speak to, but now I know different!"
Susan added, "This is so out the blue. We thought today would be like any other day, but we got a phone call and now all of a sudden we're £30,000 richer. I'm really, really, really happy! It's my birthday next week so we'll be having a double celebration now!"
Andrew says the whole family will benefit from the win and commented, "We've two children so we'll help them out. We've two grandchildren, too. One is 25 and our grandbaby daughter is just seven months and we've not been able to spend much time with her because of lockdown, so they'll benefit as well."
One of the reasons Andrew signed up to play was because of the Charities he helps by playing People's Postcode Lottery. He said, "I know a lot of different causes are supported and it's good to know the money is going somewhere that will be appreciated by a lot of different people. You don't expect it but it's nice to win too!"
Danyl Johnson added, "Surprising winners with big cheques is one of the best things about my job, so a massive congratulations to Andrew and Susan. I hope they enjoy treating themselves and the family with the windfall."
Thousands Of Deserving Projects
Today's prize is part of a draw promoted by Amnesty International UK. Players have raised over £8.1 Million for the charity, allowing it to work to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.
32% of your ticket price goes to charities and good causes. To date, players have raised over £500 Million for more than 7,500 deserving projects worldwide. Our players are changing lives every day, helping people and the planet. Thank you for all your support - we really couldn't do it without you.
Not signed up to play People's Postcode Lottery yet? Take a look at How It Works and find out how you can get involved. There are whopping Prizes announced every single day. Sign up and play - you really don't want to miss out if your postcode gets picked!
Published: 04/07/2020