Place2Be enhances the wellbeing and prospects of children, and their families, by providing therapeutic and emotional support in schools
Place2Be delivers mental health services directly to children in primary and secondary schools, and provides support and resources for teachers and parents across the UK.
One in six children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem and 50% of those with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14. These children are more likely to struggle at school and have difficulty developing positive relationships. By intervening early, Place2Be helps children find a way forward so their problems don't grow with them.
This support helps to build children's confidence and resilience, improving their wellbeing and ability to engage more successfully at school. Place2Be also trains school staff and counsellors to effectively support children's mental health.
A nine-year-old child who is supported by Place2Be described how the service has helped him, "It helps get rid of worries. When somebody or something makes me sad, I can come here and get it off my mind."
Funding from players of People's Postcode Lottery will enable Place2Be to develop their vital work in schools across England, Scotland and Wales. This will result in more happy and healthy school communities where children are given the best chance to reach their potential.