Book Aid International
With players' support, Book Aid International has shared the power of books with millions of people who would otherwise have few books, or no books at all.
Around the world, there are millions of people who have never seen or held a new book. Book Aid International knows that every book is a bridge away from inequality and towards a fairer, brighter future. That knowledge is what drives the charity's work.
Every year, Book Aid International provides over one million new books in the places where they will make the biggest difference. Those books range from picture books for the youngest readers right through to advanced medical and law texts.
They also set up libraries, train people to run them and work with a global network of partners to spark a love of reading. Book Aid International works everywhere from refugee camps, prisons and hospitals to remote schools where there has never been a library before.
With players' support, Book Aid International is sharing the power of books with more people than ever before. Players enabled the charity to expand its work to new countries – including Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria and The Gambia. Players helped the charity to launch the Inspiring Readers programme which went on to create school libraries for more than 280,000 African primary school pupils.
Players support funded innovative new programmes like the African Story Box, which brings stories from near and far to children who have often never even seen a story book before. And players have even helped to turn a shipping container into a thriving community library in Rwanda.
In an average year, Book Aid International gives an estimated 23.5 million people the opportunity to read. They simply couldn't do it without players. The impact is hard to overstate.
The charity's Vice Patron Lord Boateng commented on the importance of players' support saying, "Extraordinary change is possible when people are given equal access to books — and by helping us grow, players have opened doors to new possibilities for millions."
Book Aid International warmly thanks everyone who plays People's Postcode Lottery for support readers around the world.
To find out more about Book Aid International please visit https://www.bookaid.org
Head office and contact info
39 – 41 Coldharbour Lane