Postcode Millions
Delighted in Droylsden

A record number of residents are celebrating in Droylsden today after winning a share of this month's Postcode Millions prize. 2,218 Postcode Lottery players found out the good news after their postcode sector, M43 7, was revealed during a special Facebook Live video.
The biggest prizes were won by those playing with the full winning postcode of M43 7PE. Eight lucky Cypress Road neighbours each picked up cheques for £125,000 - while two others, because they were playing with two tickets, doubled their winnings to £250,000 each.
Our remaining 2,208 winners received cheques depending on the number of tickets they played with. Players with one ticket collected £617, and those with two tickets picked up £1,234. There were 18 neighbours who played with three tickets and won £1,851 each. Three winners in the sector played with four tickets and pocketed £2,468.
Lost For Words
Julie, a grandmother of six, found out she'd won an amazing £125,000 cheque through a video call with People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Matt Johnson. She exclaimed, "Oh my God, I didn't expect that. Is it real?!
"I'll not be able to sleep tonight with excitement because of this. I'm completely and utterly shocked, and I'm never lost for words."
Having not been able to see some of her family during lockdown, Julie is planning to use part of her winnings to "treat all the family and do something special together".
Means Absolutely Everything
On seeing her cheque for £125,000, bar worker Shanice, who welcomed baby Scarlett into the world just ten weeks ago, said, "Wow, I can't believe it. I can't stop looking at the cheque. This means absolutely everything to me."
Amazing News
Another of our big winners was Philip, a health-and-safety officer. He was in his car on his lunchbreak with his wife Tracy when he found out the good news. Philip said, "This is absolutely amazing. I've never won anything in my life before." Tracy added, "I can't tell you what this means to us. We've both had COVID and times have been tough, so this is just amazing.
"I'm going to get my teeth done and we'll book a holiday for next year. We both love Morocco and Marrakesh is our favourite spot, it's just beautiful. Maybe we'll even upgrade our holiday now!"
Matt Johnson added, "Wow - what a phenomenal number of players celebrating a win in Droylsden! Getting to meet some of our wonderful players and telling them just how much they've won is one of my favourite moments of the month.
"There's been some fantastic reactions to the good news from our winners, and what a great start to the weekend for so many neighbours in the community. A huge congratulations to all 2,218 of our winners throughout the M43 7 postcode area."
Charities Across The UK
Today's prize is part of a draw promoted by Postcode Earth Trust, which supports charities and good causes that encourage the appreciation of the natural, creative and built environment. Some of the organisations that benefited from player funding through this trust include National Trust, Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, and National Trust for Scotland.
Local good causes have also benefited from player support. Earlier this year, Mustard Tree was awarded £20,000. Its freedom project, a life and work vocational skills programme, will support hundreds of people who are experiencing homelessness or living in poverty in Greater Manchester.
With People's Postcode Lottery, 32% of the ticket price goes to charities and good causes. Our players have funded over 8,500 good causes across Britain and beyond. To date, players have raised more than £600 Million for community projects and charitable organisations.
Don't miss your chance to win as you never know when your postcode is going to get lucky! If you haven't signed up to play yet, it's quick and easy to join the fun. Find out How It Works or check out the amazing Prizes our players can win. Winning postcodes are announced every single day and we have thousands of happy winners every week.
Published: 28/08/2020